Born in the year of 1974 I had an unremarkable childhood, spending my time playing lego, obsessing over Star Wars, hanging out in the woods and drawing pictures of monsters.
School liked my drawings, as did college, they encouraged me and thus I eventually found myself at Reigate Art College then Camberwell School of Art and Design (where I did my BA Honours in Fine Art/Graphic Design) followed by the Royal College of Art where I managed half of an MA in illustration before being asked to leave... Just before the start of the new millenium I got a proper job as a nurse and soon after got married to my wonderful wife Nancy - had two kids, bought a house and now live a pretty good (if not incredibly exhausting) life. During all of this time, one constant has remained - the need to create, and towards the end of 2012 I got back into painting, enjoyed it, sold it, did another, sold it, and so it continues! It's going pretty good so I decided to set up a website... Many thanks to those who have supported me, expressed an intial interest and invested in my work (you know who you are) It's you lot who have carried me forward and made me the enthusiastic artist I am today. Long may it continue... |
I am based just south of London on the outskirts of Redhill in Surrey.
I create work in my spare time in my conservatory though I still manage to spead paint throughout the house much to my wife's annoyance! I mainly use acrylics or enamels, sometimes collage elements and I generally paint on framed solid (wood or MDF) canvases or existing paintings. I'm constantly creating works for sale but am also avaliable for commissions, I'm willing to tackle any subject on any scale! If you see anything that takes your fancy, require more information or photos, please contact me via one of the above avaliable links ([email protected] being my most preferable) Thankyouverymuch for visiting x x x |